net.demon online spam-fighting tools
URL decryption
Spammers will try to hide a spammed web site's location by obfuscating the site's URL. This will look like a giant URL with lots of numbers and other garbage in it. Spammers will pay $300 for a program to encrypt these URLs, but you can decode them right here for free! See the net.demon URL decoder page for more info or just paste the URL here:
Web page decryption
Spammers sometimes like to obfuscate the contents of spammed web pages to try and keep people from seeing what is going on (for example so you can't see where order form submissions are being sent). These tools will help you decode them:
- HayWyre
- Encrypted by Merlin
- function Merlin ( )
- Other Javascript
- Mime/Base64 - Sometimes an e-mail spam will show up encoded in base64
- Intercryptor - InterDEcryptor
- Psyral Phobia - DePsyralizer
- Carbosoft - DeCarbonizer
- Hex Decoder (for pages encoded with %##'s)
- PopLaunch
Well, you don't really need a decoder for this one. PopLaunch is a method of
trying to hide where the spammed site is hosted. Just let it load, and then
check your browser's History to find out where the site is located. If you want the detailed explanation go here:
ET Watch -
How PopLaunch Works
Other Resources
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NetDemon™ and net.demon™ are trademarks of net.demon software